Examples Of Loyalty In Fahrenheit 451

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Mildred and Meryl's personalities are very selfish; this is shown through their speech. Throughout ‘Fahrenheit 451’ Mildred constantly talks about her finances. Mildred states, “It's only two thousand dollars… and I should think you’d consider me sometimes,” (Bradbury 18). This is significant for the story because it opens up a lot of personality for Mildred. It makes her appear selfish because it seems like she only cares about materialistic items. “don't do that… never in a billion years” (Bradbury 17). In this scene Montag is trying to confront Mildred about her overdose and as soon as he brings it up she shuts him down. This shows that she is very dismissive and does not care what Montag has to say. This connects to the movie ‘The Truman …show more content…

In the text Montag noticed, “She had both ears plugged with electronic bees that were humming the hour away,” (Bradbury 16). This reflects on Mildred and Montags relationship because instead of talking to each other Mildred always has her ear buds in. She sits there neglecting her surroundings which shows Montag that she could care less about everything that's going on around her. As Montag starts to realize what the world really is, Mildred says, “Funny, how funny, not to remember where or when you met your husband or wife” (Bradbury 40). While Montag is frustrated with trying to figure out when they met Mildred casually laughs about it. This makes Montag angry because to him not remembering means that their love is drifting away. This connects to ‘The Truman Show’ because in the movie Meryl would ignore all of Truman's ideas, plans, and conversations about traveling. In this sense Meryl and Midred are very similar because they both underestimate their husbands so much that they grew distant and didn’t want to be with them anymore. While this led up to both characters' marriages being destroyed it also helped provide context as to why it happened. This forced us as readers to see that they did it to themselves and their selfishness truly impacted them the …show more content…

While Montag lies in bed “sick” Mildred stands over his bed, “...her hair burnt by chemicals to a brittle straw,” (Bradbury 45). It can be inferred that the line “to a brittle straw” means that her hair is pin straight. This shows how she is influenced by the media because we can conclude that her hair isn't naturally like this and it is a beauty standard which she chooses to follow. While sitting at the breakfast table, Montag looks at Mildred picking her look apart “...her eyes with a kind of cataract unseen but suspect far behind the pupils,” (Bradbury 45). A cataract is a cloudy area which is almost a lens that you see out of. This represents how Mildred has only been allowed to see through this tiny hole she was given. Meaning that her image of the world is only what the media depicts it to be. In ‘The Truman Show’ Meryl is put together and sculpted by Christof to be seen as the ‘perfect wife’. This is where Mildred and Meryl differ, Mildred doesn't know how she is being influenced; she is unsuspecting to the world and believes everything the media tells her. Whereas Meryl is almost a part of the media because she is one of the people involved in Truman's life. While both characters focused on how perfect they could be, Meryl was not given a choice of who she could be or how she could act. This forced us as readers to see that Meryl was fully controlled by Christof and could not break out of his