Examples Of Lying In Romeo And Juliet

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Lies, fibs, whatever they’re called, they’re considered wrong. But what if a lie was the only way to protect a loved one? Here’s an example: Person A has lied to their spouse, but it’s for their own good. Person A’s spouse always complains of the way that they look, saying they are fat and ugly. Being the amazing partner Person A is, they always lie and tell them how beautiful they are, so that their partner can feel better about themself.
Person B on the other hand is not so kind. Their spouse complains about the same thing, and instead of telling them a little white lie to make their partner feel better, they tell the brutal truth.

Even though lying seems bad, shakespeare suggests otherwise over the course of Romeo and Juliet. In fact, …show more content…

Not only is lying for protection acceptable in the 1600’s , as seen in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but also in modern times. Lying for protection today can be seen in relationships. For example the many couples may use the phrase “ You look great”. Sometimes it’s better to not always speak every thought. “Thought broadcasting, or saying every little thing that comes to your mind, can be really damaging to a relationship.” (Stone) Or perhaps there is a situation where one partner is struggling and the other just doesn’t care saying words like “I understand” creates empathy and can stop a fight that could lead to a break up.”Empathy… is the most important part of any relationship.” (Stone) As the quote shows, false empathy is sometimes needed to keep loved ones near. Finances are also a common topic to lie about in relationships. To lie or not to lie? That is a difficult question when on this subject. Often times if it’s not a big deal lying is alright but ask the question “How much of an impact is this going to have on my relationship and my partner's life.” (Marusic) Because money is an important topic choosing to lie on large purchases can be detrimental to a relationship. Sometimes when a significant other is out their partner may think they are up to no good. Perhaps a surprise was being planned for their partner and they didn’t want them