Examples Of Manipulation In Julius Caesar

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Manipulations Within Relations Have your parents ever told you to do something and when you ask ”Why?” they say ”because I said so, now do it”. They are indirectly saying that parents have power over their children and also have the power to control them and what they do. They have the authority and the children don't so they have sway over their actions. This archetype of manipulator or controller, whether good or bad, is seen in many literary pieces across history. In Lamb to the Slaughter and Julius Caesar, the authors show how these characters use their power to manipulate those around them into getting what they want, arguing that people require a feeling of control over their situation. In lamb to the slaughter Mary manipulates her …show more content…

The government was corrupt so Julius took advantage of that to maneuver his way in and achieve a status of power. The corruption of this government was similar to that of Russia under Vladimir Putin. As seen in this article about corruption in the politics of Putin the author says, ”Vladimir Putin's third term was characterized by the politicization of corruption” (Aburamoto, Mari). Putin's government was so dishonest that it was to the point where society couldn't go back or it would be really hard to do because a lot of powerful people wanted to keep the circumstances in their favor. This is like what happened with Julius that ultimately led to his demise. In both lamb to the slaughter and Julius Caesar The characters' lives were enveloped with corruption from other powerful people instilling them with the potential to corrupt themselves and consequently acquire power. This is seen in the real world in politicians, CEOs, managers, or any person in a position of power. When one obtains power they have an option to use their power well and truly better those around them or they can manipulate and tear down those around them to put themselves on a pedestal. These people choose to use it badly and to control their life at the expense of