
Examples Of Mayella Ewells In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are.” Society shapes and influences Mayella Ewells, Victoria Price, and Ruby Bates. Mayella, Victoria, and Ruby are viewed as both victims and accusers during and after their trials.
Some people viewed Mayella Ewells and Ruby Bates as victims but some people do not. Mayella and Ruby are both viewed as victims because they were supposedly raped by black men. Society makes Mayella a victim by isolating the Ewells and for viewing them differently than everyone else in Maycomb. Mayella deeply cares about what people care about her, so when people think of her as trash that really gets to her. She was lonely leading her to wanting attention from people. Ruby …show more content…

Mayella and Victoria are both liars and alone. Mayella and Victoria are accusers because society views the things that really happened as wrong so they have to cover up their selves. Society makes Mayella an accuser because people during that time period made kissing a black male so terrible. If society would have been more equal, then there would have been no reason to make up a story. The same thing happened with Victoria, if society didn’t judge people so much the trial might have come out differently. Like in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, people are judged left and right which is no different than real life cases like, The Scottsboro Trial. Even though Mayella and Victoria are accusers because of society, Ruby is an accuser because of other reasons. Ruby wasn’t the one that came up with being raped by the Scottsboro Boys. She was brought into the story by Victoria Price and Ruby was younger so probably didn’t understand what was wrong about it because Victoria was older and she said it was okay. Once Ruby realized what was happening was wrong she came through and told the truth but nobody believed her. Ruby is different because Victoria and Mayella knew what they were getting their selves into and Ruby didn’t even get a chance to choose what side was

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