
Examples Of Mercy Killing In Of Mice And Men

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Although many believe that mercy killing is wrong or unjust, Mercy killing, also knows as euthansiss is and a moral way to show empathy and compassion to a loved one in need. For example, In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. George, one of the main characters in the novel, killed his best friend Lennie because he thought that killing him was the best for him. Lennie is “a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, and pale eyes” who acts and thinks like a child who doesn't know right from wrong. So when Lennie and curly wife were alone; Curly wife asked Lennie to touch his hair because Lennie said he likes petting soft things. But Lennie not knowing right from wrong stroked curly’s wife's hair too aggressively which caused curly's
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