Examples Of Mob Mentality

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you really, really want to join in on something that is fun, but are later confused and embarrassed by it? There is a clear answer for this: Mob mentality. Mob mentality is the idea that when in a group of people, it is easy for someone to take certain actions that they normally wouldn't on their own,as an individual. The excitement and energy can drive someone to acting like a whole new person. We can see many examples of mob mentality around us today. I, myself, have had many experiences with mob mentality that have led me to believe why so many negative things are happening.

One of these experiences had occurred very recently, only a few months ago. I had gone to a victory parade in Boston with my friends and family so that we could see the winning team. Whenever the slightest bit of action happened, everyone started yelling and chanting. The energy there was so high, it was impossible for me and my friend to not join in. I know for a fact that I would not start screaming and yelling if I was on my own. Similarly, whenever there are rallies …show more content…

If there was an adult around, he or she most likely would've stopped the boys from killing, or even hurting Mr. Young. They would've made the boys realize right away what they were doing, and how wrong it was. But instead, since there was no one there to control them, the boys did whatever they wanted to, and what they thought was right. They did not think enough before acting, which led to them committing a huge crime. Only a few people had started this at first, but many other children had seen this scene, and joined in because the energy had drawn them in. There was even an 18 year old, who is technically an adult. He should've taken up the responsibility of teaching the boys that this was wrong, and he should've tried to stop them. But, he had also become a victim of the powerful energy and joined in on the