
Examples Of Non Compete Agreements

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Non Compete Attorney Dallas Tx: What is an Employee Non Compete Agreement? A non-compete attorney Dallas TX draws up agreements for companies wishing to prevent employees from quitting to work for a competitor. An employer may have a new executive or other employee sign a contract stating he or she can’t work for a competitor within a certain amount of time after leaving the company. Non-compete agreements are used by all types of companies, from manufacturers and tech giants to entertainment conglomerates. Non-compete agreements are design to protect a company’s ex-employees from working for (or revealing trade secrets) to a direct competitor for a specified amount of time. Non Compete Attorney Dallas Tx: What Employers Should Consider …show more content…

The length of time the employee has to wait to work for a competitor shouldn’t be unreasonably long, and restrictions dealing with the geographical areas should encompass a certain region. If geographical restrictions are too broad, the ex-employee can challenge the non-compete agreement and possibly sue your company. When written judiciously, a non-compete agreement keeps employees from leaving your company and stops former employees from divulging confidential information that may harm your business and cut into profits. A trade secret is information giving your company an advantage over competitors. It’s not publicly known, and is difficult to learn without guidance. It could be a method, device, process or even a recipe. When an employee who has access to this information quits or gets fired, he or she may reveal it to their new employer to compete with your company. Non Compete Attorney Dallas Tx: Drafting an Enforceable

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