Examples Of Perception In Frankenstein

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Adjustments to One’s Self Perception and their view on society When a person experiences othering and prejudice, their perception of society and themselves can be easily altered to fit the standard. In the book Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelly brings up the topic of prejudice to signify how the monster’s perception of reality is altered by the events that occur. In the film, Edward Scissorhands, prejudice is also a common theme that appears throughout in order to show the fluctuation of feelings amongst the characters. The manipulation of society’s image on mankind can be altered through the use of prejudice. For example, the monster says: “The whole village was roused; some fled, some attacked me [The monster], until, …show more content…

To begin, the monster tells the story: “he [The old man] turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me [The monster], shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields with a speed which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable” (Shelley 111). Because of the event that the monster experienced with the old man, it can potentially affect the monster’s self image because the man was frightened of the monster's looks. Since the monster is considered to be just a baby, or a toddler even, experiencing prejudice at such a young age could impact his life dramatically, which will cause problems for him in the future. Not having anyone there to teach him how to battle this prejudice however, is an even bigger issue. Another example of this topic is when Edward experiences othering when the neighborhood is frightened by his appearance, he looks in mirrors and is constantly getting reminded of what he looks like. Another interaction is when the mom is trying to cover up his scars. The things she says about his appearance can severely affect him and his image of society and the neighborhood (Edward Scissorhands). When Edward realizes that he is different from the rest of the neighborhood, he becomes more aware of the othering that he is experiencing and doesn’t know how to control it. Another aspect that plays a part in this story is how he doesn’t have a father figure for most of his life-