Examples Of Platonic Soulmate In The Great Gatsby

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Brenda Luna English 3 M3 Mr.Paradise The Great Gatsby Does having one true soulmate really exist? We often ask ourselves that question. Do we have one person that we are meant to be with? I personally think we have more than one soulmate, but not in a romantic way; a platonic soulmate. What is a platonic soulmate? “A ‘platonic soulmate’ is a feeling of deep connection and understanding, without the romance typically associated with the term soulmate” (“What Is a Platonic Soulmate” 1). Like for example in The Great Gatsby I feel like Nick and Gatsby have a platonic relationship: they were both always there for each other, no matter how busy their schedule might be. Even when they disagreed with each other sometimes they would always make up. That's what a platonic relationship is; your missing piece. Someone one who is willing …show more content…

“A ‘platonic soulmate’ is a feeling of deep connection and understanding, without the romance typically associated with the term soulmate” (“What Is a Platonic Soulmate” 1). Like for example in The Great Gatsby I feel like Nick and Gatsby have a platonic relationship: they were both always there for each other, no matter how busy their schedule might be. Even when they disagreed with each other sometimes they would always make up. That's what a platonic relationship is; your missing piece. Someone one who is willing to tell you if you are doing something wrong, but also not judging you for it. Like Nick to Gastby when the whole Daisy situation happened “They’re a rotten crowd, You’re worth the whole damned bunch put together “ (Garcia 4). Having a platonic soulmate means truly having a deep connection with someone. Someone who would answer your calls, be a listening ear or an encouraging voice. With your platonic soulmate it should never be hard to keep conversation because even when you have a moment of silence it should be comfortable and natural. Well at least that is how it is with my platonic