
Examples Of Power In Macbeth

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Macbeth may not be the hero Scotland thought he was, because he could have genuinely been a good person and cared about Duncan or only considered not killing him because he was his cousin being the only thing stopping him from doing it. But the power could be to blame since some naturally want the power to control others, though not everybody with power is bad. Duncan is a good example of power not causing people to be corrupt, since he treated Macbeth well by giving him land, making him cawdor, etc. Maybe it was the fact that Macbeth was his cousin, but he wasn’t killing everybody he didn’t trust like macbeth did. As a matter of fact Duncan even stayed over in Macbeth’s castle without any suspicion towards him at all. It could also be assumed that he wouldn’t have killed his political rivals or their families unlike macbeth, who had Macduff’s family murdered out of suspicion. He was a good leader like Franklin …show more content…

Macbeth just blindly follows the Witches’ prophecies thinking he is going to be king for the rest of his life while taking them literally, causing him to be careless as he soon realizes the ways around the forest moving as the men took bushes to camouflage and Macduff being the one to kill him as he was taken out of his mother prematurely, details that could have been realized if Macbeth and even his wife whom he would have most likely eventually killed duncan without, were smart about it and analyzed them properly without overlooking them. And then things could have gone differently, maybe Macbeth could have even ruled for a longer term and kept his

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