
Examples Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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There were many examples of prejudice in “To Kill a Mockingbird”, but a few of them were much more noticeable than others. There was a great deal of prejudice against black people, specifically Tom Robinson, in this book, this was largely because of the time era this book was set in and, because this book was set in a predominantly slave state after the slavery abolition act. There was also an abundance of prejudice against Boo Radley just because they didn’t know who he was and as a community they deemed it necessary for some explanation of him staying inside all the time. Both of these men faced the consequences of rejection from society just because there was prejudice against them. The prejudice against black people in “To Kill a Mockingbird” was really corrupt, especially during the trial. Many people during that time believed that black people were an inferior race and deserved to be treated like animals. So when it comes to the law system the white man’s word will be held higher than black man’s word. During the trial Tom Robinson had an unfair jury because they were all white and prejudiced. …show more content…

Many people believed that Boo Radley was a crazy maniac that tried to kill his parents, and that is why he always stayed inside. There were other rumors about him being chained up to his bed, and being forced to stay inside. Almost none of these rumors are true, but everyone felt that they needed a reason for him staying inside so they made up reasons to make themselves happy instead of finding out the truth. They practically exiled him with their words because they were making him up to be this terrible person. In reality Boo was a kind person who might of thought of himself as a parent figure to Jem and Scout because he watched them grow up from his window. He even came out of his house to save the kids when they were being attacked by Bob

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