Examples Of Pride In Macbeth

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Pride is very prominent in Macbeth's character, throughout the book Macbeth mentions how he is very ambitious and prideful. Macbeth is full of pride when it comes to himself, and remains this way the whole time even at his death. An example of Macbeth's pride would be when he says “The tears shall drown the wind, I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition which o’er leaps itself and falls on the other” (1.7.25-28). In the scene, he is trying to deal with the conflict he is having with killing Duncan. Macbeth compares himself to an eager rider with how full of ambition he is. He talks about his ambition which shows us some more insight into the pride he has and how confident he is in his abilities. He even refers

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