
Examples Of Propaganda In 1984

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"No one is free, even birds are chained in the sky." Bob Dylan said that perhaps he does not know his intimate relationship with George Orwell's novel "1984", but could be "1984" as well. Orwell has shown a totalitarian dystopian world where there is no freedom and citizens are continuously getting brainwashed. Without any kind of personal fairness, people work for the party like gear wheels in the machine. To achieve this, in "1984" politicians end their freedom by suppressing the views of people and creating fear through publicity, strict laws and constant monitoring. In "1984", lies, myths and false information are governing the thinking of citizens. The party is using the propaganda as the most deadly weapons of control. The promotion …show more content…

In the 1984 world, often "dublayspeak" can be seen. The big slogan of the party is "war peace" freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. (Orwell) "is one of the examples. The main motto of slogan is to give the citizens what they want, those are already present. Only war can create peace and harmony, so peace does not prevail; this war is formed; whoever is a slave and wants freedom; he has already freedom; you can strengthen yourself by knowing only things and being ignorant. The slogan is changing the truth and the citizens are believing in that anything they want apart from whatever their government wants, can only displease them, so no rebellion will be considered because they believe that the Party's way is the best and the only way of governing. "Big Brother is watching you" (Orwell) is another core slogan. It is almost …show more content…

Although they are strictly enforced, they cannot be called theoretically a law because they have not been written in any system. There is no written law in 1984, there is no such thing as a constitution or court, but the fear has been made like this only, citizens always live in uncertainty. For example, "And yet it was a fact that even if Syme is grasped for even three seconds, the nature of his, Winston's Secret opnion, he will immediately show him to the Thought Police. (Orwell) There is no such law that defines the thought, however, Winston could have been arrested for thoughtcrime at any time, his nervous system literally becomes the biggest enemy. Since there is no written law, the party can change the strictness of the laws and adjust it independently, citizens never know wether they have committed any crime, so there is no one brave enough to refuse the party, this is why fear is created. Apart from this, "Newspak" is another law that has been implemented to strengthen the party's control. Humans express their thoughts to destroy words and express their thoughts in the form of emotional words such as "excellent", "wonderful" and "brilliant" to word "good" and its comparative degree "plusgood" and "plussplugs" by the use of languages. Many ideas

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