
Examples Of Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Racism, racial prejudice, and violence have existed for many years. Discrimination based on many aspects has continued to be an issue for a long time. People of color have experienced many of these challenges every day, and they can do nothing about it. It's essential for people to advocate and address the issues that have been non-stop. Equality for all is something that lots of people would want. Despite these things, certain aspects have changed over time, but how? Between the era of the Great Depression and the publication of “To Kill a Mockingbird” in 1960 perspectives changed but also some perspectives stayed the same. Lots of violence and racial tensions took place during this time and lynchings were not uncommon. African Americans were affected most of the time by being faced with discrimination, Jim Crow Laws, and more. Some people did fight against this such as organizations and civil rights activists, but racial prejudice continued. In the 1960’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published in which the book presented lots of racial prejudice and violence in the southern states. It constantly showed racial inequality and injustice in that society. Atticus Finch who is one of the …show more content…

TKAM showed deep racial prejudice and emphasized the need for justice and equality. “The Hate U Give” showed the challenges faced by African Americans in this century. The novel addresses the issues of police brutality and racism. The book follows a young girl who is fighting for justice for her murdered best friend, Khalil. You can learn the impact of activism by reading this book and how a community can come together to fight for justice. “The Hate U Give” gives an example of the shift in the ongoing fight against racial prejudice and the fight for real

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