
Examples Of Racism In America

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Racism still exists all over America today. We all see it on television, in the newspaper and even at our work place. It is obvious that racism is not bad as it was many decades ago, but it sure has not gone away like it should have. Many people go on with their lives wearing a blind fold, that is why they don’t see a problem. You should not judge or act different towards people because they don’t look like you. There are many different ways we can stop this cycle. We have many problems in America and racism is defiantly one of them. Racism is coming from how you are raised from your parents or family members. As a child you rely on your parents to tell you how you should deal with certain problems or even become the person you are when growing …show more content…

As we grow up media becomes an everyday thing in our lives. So, you may not know that you’re even listening or watching anything racist. Music is also where majority of racism is coming from. Some of the music we listen tells you “don’t let the white police man catch you because they will kill you”. That is such a stereo type because all white police man is not out here to kill black men but that’s how some rap music is portraying white police men. It is such a shame we have young black men scared to even get stop by some police men because they are scared to get shot. Music likes this just gives us a reason to divide us even more than before. It also never fails when you’re watching a crime tv show like Law & Order the black man is always stereo typed as the criminal or the gangster. And the white guy is always the law obeying citizen. It really shouldn’t be that way not only black people break laws all nationalities do …show more content…

Often time some races have trouble finding good jobs, or even getting approved for loans. Just by you turning in an application for a job can get you turned away just by your name. Some employers don’t want to even try to understand that you may be the most qualified person for the job. But they must choose Mary because she sounds like a nice person to hire. Getting and keeping a home is sometimes a difficult thing for people of color. Job of some landlords is to rent the homes to reliable tenants. But a racist landlord can make the situation a lot difficult than it has to be for some people of color. People of color are faced with more rejection from loans or getting approved for renting a home. Some may not see what people of color has to go through but it is a lot they do have to endure to live in

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