Examples Of Resilience In A Raisin I N The Sun

356 Words2 Pages
Gavin Thompson
Ms. Coen
English 9
May 19, 2023
What is resilience? Resilience is when life keeps beating you down and you stand up no matter what. Lorraine Hansberry growing up in the 1930s needed to show resilience because people were violent towards her because of her skin tone. In the play, A Raisin I n the Sun, Loraine Hansberry presents the theme of resilience in Mama, Ruth, and Walter in order to convey the struggles of a poor family in the 1950s ultimately illustrating that family helps you through anything
In the text, Hansberry illustrates the idea of resilience in Mama. After Mama buys the house she says “Son – you – you understand what I done, don’t you? I – I just seen my family falling apart today . . . just falling to