
Examples Of Responsible Actions In Of Mice And Men

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In the book, Of Mice and Men, George Milton and Lennie Smalls, try to make enough money to build themselves a home. After working on a farm for a few days, Lennie, the mentally ill man, gets into trouble and is hunted. George finds Lennie at their meeting place from the beginning and takes a responsible action towards what Lennie has done. That responsible action was the mercy killing of Lennie. There are points in the book where it is shown how dangerous Lennie is. Once Lennie starts fighting back against Curley, he crushes Curley’s hands. When Curley gives up from the pain, Lennie is frozen, still crushing Curley’s hands. Only after George slaps Lennie in the face a few times does he let go. Another example would be how easily he kills Curley’s
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