Vision Self Assessment

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Vision Self-Assessment & Analysis
The struggle to assess the current district I work for was evident throughout the reading and self-analysis of the vision survey assignment. There were many things I learned during the completion of the self-reflection activity. My focus will be on strengths and weaknesses of the current district I am working at with regards to the new vision for public education in Texas: district/school self-analysis survey.
The article 1 new digital learning environment was a strength of our district. Specifically the part of the statement which dealt with digitization and miniaturization of information processing power which is expanding exponentially and is changing the world, lives, and communities at an overwhelming …show more content…

The dilemma is assessments should not be limited to nor even rely substantially on a standardized test that is primarily multiple-choice paper/pencil. Student assessment a challenging area because our school accountability is dependent on how well our students perform on the state standardized assessment. The accountability system has a lot to do on how and why our educators continuously assess students knowledge of the content using traditional summative assessment strategies such as multiple choice questions. Instances when the accountability ratings are available to each district, there is a period where the data is disaggregated followed by central office personnel having meetings with each principal on what interventions will be in place to ensure the scores go up in this current weakness area. Then, the principal has a conference with the educators on the campus in which the standardized test is taught and has data-driven conversations on how they will improve the scores the upcoming …show more content…

I have worked at New Braunfels ISD for two years, and the amount of change that has occurred has been minimal. The slow change has pros and cons depending on the situation presented. The biggest change in recent years has been the implementation of technology across all schools in the district. The district started approximately five years ago with transitioning to a one to one iPad with our curriculum and instruction. The change was a huge challenge for a district where before going all in on technology was delivering instruction and learning with the use of paper and