Benefits Of Sex Recidivism

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Matrix Michael R. Stephan Carrasco Instructor: Dr. Rosa Chang CCJ4497 11 February 2018 Florida International University Brief Explanation of Topic: Sexual violence is a significant public health problem in the USA and many other countries. In the effort to decrease the incidence of sexual assault, legislators have passed regulatory laws aimed at reducing recidivism among convicted sexual offenders. Tewksbury, Jennings, and Zogba (2012), note that there are limited observable benefits of SORN regarding sex recidivism. It is a viewed shared by most researchers in the field. However, Duwe & Donnay (2008), argue that broad community notification has a deterrent on sex offense recidivism. Prescott & Rockoff (2011), note that there are benefits to providing …show more content…

[Other Main Idea] (Optional) References Bonnar-Kidd, K. K. (2010). Sexual offender laws and prevention of sexual violence or recidivism. American Journal of Public Health, 100(3), 412-419. Caldwell, M. F. (2010). Study characteristics and recidivism base rates in juvenile sex offender recidivism. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54(2), 197-212. Duwe, G., & Donnay, W. (2008). The impact of Megan's Law on sex offender recidivism: The Minnesota experience. Criminology, 46(2), 411-446. Prescott, J. J., & Rockoff, J. E. (2011). Do sex offender registration and notification laws affect criminal behavior?. The Journal of Law and Economics, 54(1), 161-206. Tewksbury, R., Jennings, W. G., & Zgoba, K. M. (2012). A longitudinal examination of sex offender recidivism prior to and following the implementation of SORN. Behavioral sciences & the law, 30(3), 308-328. Vásquez, B. E., Maddan, S., & Walker, J. T. (2008). The influence of sex offender registration and notification laws in the United States: A time-series analysis. Crime & Delinquency, 54(2),

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