Examples Of Social Inequalities In The United States

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As James Forbes once said, “When people rely on surface appearances and false racial stereotypes, rather than in-depth knowledge of others at the level of the heart, mind and spirit, their ability to assess and understand people accurately is compromised”. This has been happening in the United States for hundreds of years and will continue for a hundred more years. People always think that their race is the superior race. People judge completely out of exterior looks, they don’t want to get to know them, they just think that based on what someone does on the evening news is what happens everyday with that specific group of people. What people do not understand is that there are just as many people like that in any given group. The …show more content…

It isn't like americans are the only ones without equality, middle eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, or Iraq. They won't even allow their women to show their faces in public. Also, the Chinese are even worse than that, they are killing innocent baby girls because they want a child that will work and carry on the family name. Even in fictional books there is racial inequalities. In the novel ¨To Kill a Mockingbird¨ Tom Robinson was clearly innocent but was said to be guilty because of his skin color. Just because it is in the fictional novel does not mean it does not happen in the real world. America is said to be the ¨Land of the Free” but it doesn’t seem very free when there is so much racial and social inequality, those people that are being discriminated against have just as much of a right to be here as we Americans are some of the best people in the world and we live in the best country in the world, but even the best is not perfect, but with time and patience we will come closer to total racial and social