Agents Of Socialization Examples

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Short skirts are to be worn to parties, not to church. Pajamas are to be worn for bed, not to go out onto the street; as a United States citizen you must vote and learn how to use the voting machines. These are examples of socialization. Socialization is the process in which we are taught about social norms and expectations, society’s beliefs, and society’s values. Without socialization we would be nothing. This is the process of how we function in society and who we are as individuals. Experts believe that nature, which is the relationships and love around one, is the result of who we are. Others believe that nurture, our genetics, is what makes us who we are. To prove the impact on nurture a researcher studied identical twins that were raised …show more content…

The first agent of socialization is family. Mothers, father, grandparents, and any extended family teach children what they need to know. They teach them what clothes to wear, how to ride a bike, who is considered family, how to read, etc. Many factors such as, race, social class, and religion play an important part in socialization. Peers are also agents of socialization. A peer group consists of people with similar age groups, social statuses, and who have the same interests. Peer groups, especially for adolescents, provide their first socialization outside of their families. In particular, this is when adolescents begin to develop an identity apart from their family and engage socially with their peers, which have a huge influence. School is also an agent of socialization. Children spend more time at school than they do at home which is why school plays an important role in their socialization. Schools socialize children by teaching them how to behave, follow schedules, how to work in teams, about citizenship, national pride, etc. Schools play a huge role in …show more content…

There was data collected from a content analysis of Sports Illustrated article that consisted of thematic categories and subcategories. The thematic categories appeared to have a variety of socialization themes that had noticeable thoughts and feelings to athletes. This research was about the socialization of athletes and the culture in which they socialize. In this case the culture of risk is what athletes are socialized into which can cause guilt, depression, and job insecurity to many of them, but continue to play injured. Coaches in sports have a huge influence when socializing their players. Athletes are socialized to view pain and injury as part of the game. They are exposed to this belief and they continue to play injured because that is the norm in which their coaches have socialized them. The culture of risk teaches athletes to accept their injuries, ignore pain, and continue