Examples Of Society In The Parable Of The Sower

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Society today is not very different from the way it is in the Parable of the Sower. There are many examples of problems that we face today that are listed in the book including violence, gender norms, and drug problems. A lot of things stand in the way of solving those problems, starting off with the most obvious which would probably be societal roles as a whole. Everyone is entitled to their own ability of free will and freedom of speech. This being said I would like to list some examples.
The first one that came to mind would have to be violence, we see many examples of violence in our society and in the book that are similar. At the beginning of chapter 14 everyone was running around trying to escape all the houses that were on fire. Lauren was woken up by the smell of smoke, she had to grab her emergency bag and run to safety because she couldn't even go to sleep without having to worry about something so bad that she would have to have an emergency bag packed for her own safety. …show more content…

It is no secret that walking alone, especially at night, is scary for a girl. There are many reasons for that and some are listed in the Parable of the Sower. One being some people, mostly men target young girls because they are believed to be an easy target. “During the day the sight of the bulge in my pocket would enough to make people think twice about robbing or raping me“(156). Lauren had to keep a gun visible in her pocket for others to see in order to ensure she wasn't robbed or raped because as a young girl she was viewed as an easy target to be taken advantage of. But that is not the last example of a trend in society that is spoken