An important theme in the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies is materialism vs spiritualism. As defined by, “Materialism the preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values” (“The Definition of Materialism”1). Spiritualism can also be defined by as, “The belief or doctrine that the spirits of the dead, surviving after themortal life, can and do communicate with the living, especially througha person (a medium) particularly susceptible to their influence” (“The Definition of Spiritualism”2). This theme is portraying the two different ways that Dunny and Boy have chosen to deal with the guilt …show more content…
These two character create contrast due to their different needs and perspectives of the world. Boy Staunton is a perfectionist who views money as power, the more power you have the better of you and your family will be. Boy finds himself in the upper echelons of society, where he has always wanted to be. In this echelons it is only acceptable for him to be friends with those of highest class, becoming acquaintances with the Prince of Wales. As soon as Dunstan becomes a published writer, his invitations to the Staunton household increase, as he is now a unique friend that Boy can show off to his peers. This increase in status within Dunstan’s life meant that he was now someone who could give Boy another advantage. Along with this Boy is also very immature at times, he likes to flaunt his materialistic items in Dunstans face. Boy got Dunstan to develop a roll of film for him, “Every sentimental posture approved by the taste of the day ‘cutie’ photographs, and in every one of them she was stark naked”(Davies 156). Boy knows that these pictures are in the film, but has Dunstan develop them just so that he can flaunt the fact that he won Leola in his face one more time. Boy is manipulative, power hungry, and selfish these qualities create the contrast between him and Dunstan. Dunstan is an intelligent individual who does not value riches in the way that Boy …show more content…
Usually this person comes in the form of a parent, what happens if this parent fails you. Dunny experiences this failure through his relationship with his mother. He does not fit in within his family and often felt unloved. His mother is cold and does not approve of his interests. This lack of acceptance causes Dunny to find an alternate mother figure, Mary Dempster. Mary cares for him, shows him compassion, listens to him and sees his brilliance. This bond creates a relationship that can only be described as mother and son. Later in his life Dunny goes out of his way to care for her and ensure that she is doing well,“Every fortnight during the school term I made the journey to Weston on Saturday morning and had lunch with Miss Bertha Shanklin and Mrs. Dempster”(Davies 158). This act can only be explained by an emotional bond, if Dunny did not care about the well being of Mary he would not have put in the effort every Saturday to see her.The difference between his actions toward Mary and Mrs. Ramsay are noticeable because he felt nothing when his mother dies, yet when he finds out Mary has gotten worse mentally he goes to visit her as much as possible. The positive influence of mary’s actions have created a place in his heart for her where Mrs. Ramsay should be. Dunny feels that Mary is the reason he is alive, that she not only saved his life but life of his brother and Surgeon.