
Examples Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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Isaiah Tyrell Ms. Baker English 11 May 29, 2024. Fahrenheit 451 Technology has greatly impacted society, leaving people to live a fictional life. People aren’t even allowed to read books in public or at home if they are caught, the books are burned and that person could get in trouble for their actions. The people in this town are controlled by what they see and do, Ray Bradbury creates a restricted society where people are not allowed to read books. The protagonist Montag is a firefighter following in the footsteps of his father who was a firefighter before him. Montag's job is to burn books because the government does not want anyone to read books and allow themselves to gain outside knowledge. Montag’s wife Mildred spends the majority …show more content…

Animals demonstrate how technology allows them to control us. Take the example of the hound, the robot programmed to track people holding books. Montag's 18-year-old neighbor Clarisse starts speaking to him about how society is, making Montag realize he isn’t happy with his current life status. Montag later calls a notice that an old lady is holding books inside her home so he goes in, burns the books, and later grabs one of the last copies of the Bible, later Milred snitches on her husband due to him keeping an illegal book. Captain Beatty comes searching for him, giving Montag 24 hours to burn the book or to burn down his house. After Beatty attacks him physically and mentally, he attempts to arrest Montag using his flamethrower to burn his body and he later dies. The Mechanical Hound locates Montag while he is trying to leave the scene, stabbing him in the leg, using the flamethrower the hound is burned. Montag heads to the retired English professor's home “Faber” asking for help telling him what happened and also handing him money. Faber gives Montag information on where to meet him next meeting him in and a bunch of other retired professors in the woods, all disregarding how society has been

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