
Examples Of Totalitarianism In 1984

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Totalitarianism IS Cultism Audrey L. Loughlin Our Lady of Mercy Academy Honors Literature II Mr. Christopher Spalding May 24th, 2024 Introduction and Thesis Doppelgängers are rare, but real. The striking resemblance between the ideas and tactics used by the made-up character of Big Brother from 1984 and the real-life cult and church leader Jim Jones was spine-chilling. Both leaders practiced total government control without regard for their followers. More problems than peace arise from their psychological schemes. The worst imagined situations from the 1984 novel by George Orwell came to life because of the mortal Big Brother, Jim Jones. Big Brother Is Watching You. Citizens’ input and ideas in society help shape a government system to reach …show more content…

Further proof of that stereotype is the Jonestown Cult, which was run and founded by Jim Jones. The massacre of hundreds was a result of the twisted psychology used by Jones. Jonestown was originally sought to be an escape from the harsh and cruel things occurring during the 1970s (seventies) in the United States. The people were seeking out a “paradise” away from racism, persecution, inflation, and political uprisings present at the time. Jonestown began as the Peoples Temple, located in churches across California, as a Christian movement. Jones told his followers that Christianity “enslaved people” and convinced them to follow his form of communism hidden as “apostolic socialism.” For Americans, the seventies were a difficult time to financially survive. Jones then moved his followers to the jungle in Guyana, South America, and called his new paradise Jonestown. The conditions in Jonestown were compared to those at concentration camps, with minimal food, abuse, and long working hours. The work being done by members was draining and required lots of effort, but this was on purpose. Jones was aware of the members’ discontent and had to do anything he could to distract them from it. Family members were purposefully separated from each other to reduce the amount of confiding in each other. To ensure good behavior and rules were abided …show more content…

Throughout history, there have been many figures with similar ideas and actions. The fear figure and supreme ruler of Oceania, Big Brother, fiercely resembles the real-life dictator of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, Jim Jones. Both rulers used physiological techniques to confuse the minds of their followers and achieve the things they desired. Big Brother practiced a totalitarian government and complete control over the citizens under constant surveillance. Similarly, Jim Jones also had the members of Jonestown under constant surveillance. In 1984, the citizens of Oceania were watched by telescreens. They eventually discovered that even in proletarian homes and stores, telescreens were still there. The members of Jonestown were constantly under the supervision of Jones’ inner party and his public address system. Both Jones and Big Brother had an Inner Party of people who worked for them on the outside, spied, and reported back to their leader. Big Brother used propaganda and slogans to inform the supporters of Ingsoc’s ideas. Everywhere, posters of Big Brother’s face were posted saying, “Big Brother is watching you.” Big Brother and 1984 influenced Jones, who used similar propaganda tactics with his public address system. Big Brother’s phrase promoted incrimination and spying on peers. Jones constantly had his voice played, so none of the members could speak unless they were willing to take repercussions for their actions. It was a lose-lose system for the

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