
Examples Of Transcendentalism In Dead Poets Society

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Transcendentalism in the Movie Dead Poets Society Transcendentalism: representing univocal tyranny and injustice l “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”. This quote by Waldo Emerson embodies transcendentalism in a whole. Also it greatly describes the movie Dead Poets Society. In the movie Dead poets Society a bunch of boys go to a private school called Welton academy. It is a very strict and conformist school. Early in the movie you meet one of the boys teachers Mr. Keating. Mr. Keating is very different compared to the other teachers. He isn't strict and lets the kids minds roam freely . As the movie progress each character takes on their own development and grows as a person. At the end of the movie Neil Perry kills himself after doing a play and his father disapproving. Dead poets Society demonstrates non-conformity, spark of divinity and, social reform. Which are all traits of transcendentalism. …show more content…

Throughout the movie it is discovered that Neil really wants to act. Neil loves to act, but his father and mother don't think it is the best for him. They Deter him at every turn so that he cannot become an actor. As the movie progresses, Neil gets the lead role at a play in town. He doesn't tell his father because he knows he will never allow it. The father eventually caves in and goes to the play. Neil does amazing, but his father doesn't see it. They bring him home later that night. Then, Due to a disturbing talk in the family room Neil kills himself. This shows the transcendental trait of Human potential because he worked hard and sadly he couldn’t do what he was good at because his parents thought it was a distraction. He wanted to be an actor at a school where they wouldn't expect anything like

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