Examples Of Trust In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Love and Trust over Hate and Gossip A lesson is defined as something that teaches or instructs one to do better or achieve greater. Many lessons exist in Harper Lee`s To Kill a Mockingbird. If a writer longs to convey a lesson through their writing, they do this using very descriptive and sometimes tragic examples. These examples lead to the reader learning a lesson along with the character. In her life, Scout has learned many lessons about misleading information, trust, and racial discrimination. In the story, Arthur Radley is a questionable character. Rumors have spread throughout the community caused Scout to become terrified of his house due to the gossip. He also gained the nickname “Boo” from many of the townspeople. However, near the end of the book, Scout meets Arthur and finally realizes the true story behind him. This serves as a lesson to us that we should never listen to what people say about a person. Instead, we should look to understand and know people ourselves. Trust remains an important aspect in everyone`s lives. Scout did not have many people to put her trust in. In fact, the only person she had absolute trust in was her father. Atticus Finch loved his children very much and sought to prove it. He strove to protect …show more content…

The trial of Tom Robinson proves tragic indeed. He was falsely accused by Mr. Ewell who in fact turned out the guilty one. Though Atticus fought it with everything he had, the judge, heavily influenced by hate and racism, ordered Tom to prison. However, he did not make it to prison as he tried to escape, and a sheriff shot and killed him on sight. This proves that racial discrimination cannot exist, and the lesson learned through this to never accuse and sentence someone just for the color of their skin. For you may not know the whole