Examples Of Unrequited Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Love is a complicated emotion that can offer us enormous happiness and joy, yet can also be full of difficulties and problems, requiring our patience, understanding, and forgiveness. In “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, Shakespeare displays romantic relationships between lovers as a difficult journey, where the interference of others can be like a detour that takes us off course, emotional challenges that can be like a steep hill that we must climb to reach our destinations, and forbidden love that can be like a forbidden move that we cannot resist but may lead us to a perfect performance. Shakespeare demonstrates that while no relationship is perfect, with effort and commitment, any relationship can succeed. In addition, the interference of people …show more content…

For instance, Helena and Demetrius have a troubled relationship since she loves him and he doesn't return that. Demetrius, however, has another love, and that is for Hermia. “Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?/ Or rather do I not, in plainest truth,/ Tell you I do not, nor I cannot, love you?” (Act 2, Scene 1) (Lines 199-201). Unrequited love is a challenge for the couple, especially for Helena, who may feel abandoned and diffident as a result of the rejection. Helena’s happiness is dependent on Demetrius's approval or disapproval. However, as the narrative progresses, Puck accidentally splashes love juice into Demetrius's eyes while he sleeps, which results in Demetrius falling madly in love with Helena. Another example of emotional difficulties would be the lack of trust and suspicion Helena has in Demetrius when he confesses his love for her. Helena is baffled that someone who has consistently claimed to despise them would suddenly fall in love with her. “Can you not hate me - as I know you do -/ But you must join in souls to mock me too?” (Act 3, Scene 2) (Lines 149-150) Helena does not trust Demetrius as she still believes he hates her and is using this ‘act’ as a way to mock her. Nevertheless, with patience and understanding, Hermia realizes that Demetrius is truly in love with her. The lovers …show more content…

For instance, are the young lovers Pyramus and Thisbee, who wish to wed blissfully but are unable to do so because of their parents. “And ye, unhappy parents of us both, deny us not our united request.” (Pyramus and Thisbe, www.fact-index, /pyramus_and_thisbe.html. Accessed 30 May 2023.) Pyramus and Thisbe forbidden love due to parental disapproval can lead to many more conflicts in their relationship such as, segregation, sneaking around, and even tragedy. Nevertheless, the lovers meet in secret and plan to run away. Another instance is Pyramus and Thisbee, the two young lovers who are divided by a wall. “This man with lime and roughcast doth present/ Wall that vile wall which did these lovers sunder;” (Act 5, Scene 1) (Lines 131-132). Separation in relationships is a tough challenge between lovers due to the lack of physical distance and communication. However, the couple succeeds in finding a means of at least communication through dedication and effort. Through a crack in the wall, Pyramus and Thisbee converse with one