Examples Of Utilitarianism In Health Care

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Should everyone have access to health care, whether rich or poor? Should citizens pay for their right to healthcare? Does everyone have a right to healthcare? These questions and the debate on whether healthcare should be a right have been going on for a very long time. The debate over access to health care touches not only on moral grounds, but also on the concept of justice. The debate on healthcare discusses the morality of "policies and programs of a society as a whole." In addition, the debate discusses "the fundamental moral issue involved in the healthcare debate, which is justice, which is about persons getting what is fair or what is their due." Within the debate of healthcare rights and access, America is one of the very few nations in which the debate continues as well as is heavily looked at when asking, "Does everyone deserve access to healthcare?" With the debate on healthcare, many begin to ask, "What is healthcare?" "Healthcare in this context includes medical …show more content…

Based on the moral theories I have covered and learned, the moral theory, Utilitarianism can help aid the argument on why healthcare should be a right among Americans. In general, Utilitarianism is “Utilitarianism says that the morally right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good over evil, everyone considered. That is, the right action maximizes the good (however good is defined) better than any alternative action, everyone considered (Vaughn 73). As I try to make ethical decisions, I typically always use Utilitarianism to guide myself in creating the decision that considers everyone, as well as making the decision that creates more good than evil. Thus, using the theory Utilitarianism overall helps me decide why healthcare should be a right for everyone in America rich or