Examples Of What It Means To Be An American Argumentative Essay

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What it means to be an American Argumentative Essay
“It takes one, to know one” a quote by the Unknown. America has many different people with many different races. Every single person, no matter where they originated from, or where their ancestors originated from, has the power to make the world a better place. The article is about a life of a man who came from France and fought in the French and Indian War. He was one of the few people who stayed behind and accepted the new beginnings of a new, free world. He often questioned what is it to be an American? He quoted “…all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great change in the world.”Some people agree with this idea because a lot of people from all over the world have caused great changes and that the nations are melted …show more content…

One thing that may affect the decisions people make are social ranks. People may agree with his quote because they might have come from a small town or they did not have a lot of money. But those type of people usually have more imagination and a better view of how the world could be. On the article: How money changes the way we think and behave, in the video from 1:30 to 1:59 minutes the lady explains that although you may have a lot of money, it is still nowhere near having a good environment for your kids to live in or having family and friends near. If a child lived in an apartment, that child could be the next president because of the imagination that they might have. Although some people feel that way, others may have come from a high class society. Usually people who have rich parents and friends have more reality. Again, in the article: How money changes the way we think and behave, in the video from 1:30 to 1:59 minutes the lady shows how sometimes it 's good to stay out of a comfort zone and start somewhere new. That way people are more curious of their