
Examples Of Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Zora Broome McCabe ENG 9-3 12 April 2024 Romeo and Juliet Timed Writing Romeo and Juliet is among the most classic and well-known theatrical pieces of the playwright William Shakespeare. It’s a tragic tale of how two star-crossed lovers from two opposing houses take their lives in the name of love. The story has been acted out and analyzed hundreds of times over many years. Yet, there is always one question that remains: Who within the story is the most responsible for the events that happened? Well, the blame can be placed on just about any of the significant characters in the story. Was it the family's fault for their generational feud? Was it Mercutio's fault for pushing Romeo to attend the Capulet’s ball? Was it Romeo and Juliet’s fault for making such rash decisions? Was it all a tragic trick of …show more content…

No. The truth of the matter is that Friar Laurence is the most at fault for the events that occurred in Romeo and Juliet. In Act 2 Scene 3, we are first introduced to Friar Laurence. He is depicted as an older holy man who is adept in the practice of botany. We can see by how Romeo and the Friar interact that the Friar does care for Romeo and that Romeo trusts Friar Laurence, at least enough to tell him about Rosaline and of his new love for Juliet. At this point in the play, when Romeo asks the Friar to marry him and Juliet, the Friar notices some red flags. It had only been a few days since Romeo was moping about how Rosaline did not return his feelings and now the same heartbroken boy comes and asks to be wed to not just any other person, but the daughter of his family’s sworn enemy. Shocked by this new revelation, the Friar can’t help but

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