TITLE In Romeo and Juliet there is a death between them, but what stands out is who is the most responsible to blame. The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a difficult couple that would do anything for eachother. They know that they can't be together but they risk eachothers lives to be in partnership. Until then this relationship those lead to a horrified death that is unforgettable. Due to Romeo drinking a deadly toxic by thinking Juliet was dead until she woke, but it was to late for him and what Juliet ended doing was committing suicide to be together. In William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet were themselves to blame for their own deaths due to their decision and by also making the settlement on what to do with their own lives. For instance, In the textbook it states, ¨Let me have a dram of poisson, such soon spreads gear as well disperse itself through all vien. That the life-weary takes may fall dead...¨ (Act 5 Scene 1 Page 3). This quote clarifies when Romeo finds out that his wife is ¨dead¨ and decides he wants a deadly toxin that works quickly so it can murder him to be with his …show more content…
This expresses that she is selfish like and with Romeo because they do not care about anything else except for themselves. My examples relate to my statement for the purpose of them being teenagers and not thinking before they do actions to risk their partnership. Someone may disagree with my position because they may believe a different viewpoint than me about the situation of their