
Exodus Research Paper

374 Words2 Pages
Do you what the Exodus was? The Exodus was when the Hebrews fled Egypt with Moses. They followed Moses out of Egypt thousands of years ago. The Exodus can be found in the bible. It is called the Book of Exodus. They followed Moses to the other side of the Red Sea. On the other side, was the Promised Land. Other Hebrews have their own reasons of leaving Egypt. Some just did not want to be slaves. If I was a Hebrew, I would follow Moses into the Promised Land. The reasons are because Hebrews were treated unfairly; Moses cared for us; and Moses had the power from God.
To begin, I would follow Moses out of Egypt because Hebrews were treated unfairly. For instance, in the Should I Stay or Should I Go Document it says that the Egyptians enslaved

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