Exp 105 Learning Connection Inventory Results

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Leaning is not as simple as absorbing information from reading and observing. Learning begins with discovering how you learn. This class provides you with tools to discover how you learn, as well as the best ways to utilize what you discovered. EXP 105, Personal Dimensions of Education provides a test called the “Learning Connection Inventory”. This test measures how you approach and complete tasks and connects it to how you learn. The test provides you with what kind of leaners you are and your learning pattern. There are 3 kinds of learners: Dynamic, Bridge, and Strong-willed. The categories of the learning pattern are Sequence, Precision, Technical Reasoning and Confluence. Each category is give a number between 7 and 35. If you score between a seven and seventeen you avoid using that pattern. A score of 18 to twenty-four indicates use that pattern as needed. A score of 25 or higher places that category in the use first range. Armed with knowing how you learn, you are taught to decode task and assignment. Additionally, you are taught to “FIT” your learning pattern to …show more content…

Confluence is my lowest rank learning pattern. However, it intensifies when it comes to maintaining focus and a keeping the set schedule I set for class time. To overcome these challenges, prior to the start of each class I will print and review the syllabus. I will read and follow the instructor’s expectations and requirements for each assignment. I will allot time according to the difficulty level of the assignment. When I feel my focus shifting, I will take a 3 to 5 minute break, monitored with a timer, to understand why I have shifted my focus, as well as give my mind time to redirect to the main task. I will survey all material during reading assignments. I will tethering my confluence when it is hindering positive progress of the

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