Expectations In Every Girl Every Boy By Crimethinc

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Is it good to have expectations in society? Girls are typically expected to be weak, show emotions, etc. Meanwhile, boys are expected to be tough, athletic, etc. In the poem, “Every Girl Every Boy” by Crimethinc; the author talks about how every girl and boy have something that another desires. The poem explains that girls and boys that they should act a certain way they people expect them too.Not to mention expectations are learned from our parents then we have expectations on how every other girl or boy should act which then leads too everyone acting the same. Although, expectations might be good in some situations. However, in society expectations will make people feel vulnerable. Just because you have an expectation based on your gender doesn’t mean that you have to follow it.

First of all, many adults or kids have expectations on society. Where do people learn these expectations you might ask. Well they don’t originate from nothing. It beings with parents. Our parents teach us everything we need to know. Growing up people tend to expect others to be a certain way, so once they realize that someone is different they back away. Thus, when others back off the person will start challenging thoughts, in bad ways. Then, he/she will start …show more content…

For instance, in the poem it states, “For every boy who is burdened with the constant expectation of knowing everything, There is a girl tired of people not trusting her intelligence.” Reading this line, the words explain themselves. Just because one person is a boy everyone would assume he would know everything. Meanwhile, the girl is having her intelligence challenged by others, even though she is smart. Digging deeper, in society people expect boys to be smarter than girls. Every girl and boy should be able to act however they want and ignore the expectations society has forced upon

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