Explain How And Why There Should Be One Sentence For Each Particular Crime For Repeated Offenders

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I do not believe there should be one sentence for each particular crime for repeated offenders. "How and why we punish people who break the law is a critical element of corrections", (Siegel & Bartollas, 2014, p. 35). I think the nature of the crime, as well as the volume of the crime, should be irrelevant as to whether it is a first time offender or not. I understand there are times that people get caught up in the wrong crowd and have a higher chance of getting a misdemeanor charge for a crime committed intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. In our great nation, we have yet to solve the difficult task in how we apply punishment to criminals in an absolute manner. "Choosing the "correct" sentence is a complex matter", (Siegel & Bartollas,

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