Explain How Cancer Affects The Kidney

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The term cancer is used to describe the scenaros where cellss in the body chnage and spiral out of control. Your body consisy of tiny building blocks that are called cells. Healthy cells grow when the body require them, and ssunsquently die when the body no longer needs them. Cancer is made up of dysfunctional cells that continue to grow even though your body no longer requires them. In most types of cancer, these dysfuctional cells eventually grow to for a lump or in essence a tumor. if these abnormal cells continue to forumlate tumors for a exnteened amount of tiem, they can eveuall grow into nearby areas and subsequntely spread to other areas of the body. Cancer that manfiest itself in the kidney is called renal or kidney cancer.

To understand how cancer affects the kidney, let's take a look at what kidneys are responsible for. Each kidney s approxamtley the size of a bar of soap and is located towards the middle/lower portion of the back. Kidenys help the body by filtering wast and excess fluid from the blood. Once this has occured it, the wast s ssent as urin through thin tubes called ureter so that it can go to the bloadder. Kidneys also help the body by regulating blood pressure and they hel to ensure that there is an adequate amount of red blood cells in the body. …show more content…

Kidney cancer can affect any or all of those layers. The cancer can stop the kidneys from filtering waste liquid and prevent them from regualting the body's blood pressure levels. Kidney cancer also has the abltiy to spread to other areas of the body as well. Once this occurs, it makes the processs of treating it, significnatly more

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