In Ted Talk, We Ll Cure Diseases With A Cell, Not A Pill

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The Ted Talk titled, “Soon We'll Cure Diseases With a Cell, Not a Pill” by Siddhartha Mukherjee was mostly focused on the future of medicine. Before we are able to learn about the way we can improve medicine in the future, we have to be able to learn about the past of medicine and how it relates to humans. According to Siddhartha Mukherjee the past of medicine was as simple as six words, “Have disease, take pill, kill something”. In other words, you would and might still take pills because it is the only type of medicine that is able to cure the disease or illness quickly. As of 2015, the United States celebrated the one-hundredth year of being able to have a pill to cure most illnesses. For example, through the years 1912 and 2015 if someone …show more content…

For example, if we were to use this new method in cancer you would want to first kill the cells that can not stop divideing. In this case, we as scientists all over the world already have started this method by the use of chemotherapy. Even if this method has been able to cure Leukemia, and some forms of Breast Cancer, there are so many more cancers that are all over the world that need a cure as well. It hasn’t been until a decade or so ago, the we as scientists have decided to use the immune system to fight cancer (the organ/organism aspect of this new plan). Overall, cancer consists of uncontrollable mutations that happen all over the body. If we can use the immune system in our favor then we can be able to stop these mutations from happening uncontrollably. Now, when we look at the environmental aspect of this example we can be able to change the milieu so that the cancer is able to leave the body completely, which is something that doctors are trying to find. A milieu is a person’s extra-cellular fluid environment, more particularly the interstitial fluid, and its physiological capacity to ensure protective stability for the tissues and organs around it.Rather than killing something, we want to be able to grow something that will lead us to our …show more content…

Instead of using the same concept we have been using for the past year (the pill), we should start looking at a completely new way of finding solutions using our own bodies. By using our own bodies in the sense of using our own cell or a different organisms cells to be able to modify them in whichever way we need them medically, we can be able to cure many more diseases that currently do not have a cure. In this matter, when they are being placed in our organism they are able to find what the problem in our body is and find an adequate solution to it rather than trying to make the problem go away for a certain amount of time. We already are seeing Siddhartha Mukherjee’s theory in use today. For example, we are currently replacing chemotherapy to use stem cells to cure Leukemia. Leukemia is a malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs produce increased numbers of immature or abnormal leukocytes.To be able to cure Leukemia using stem cells we have to be able to do a bone marrow transplant. In this type of transplant the patient's bone marrow stem cells are replaced with those from a healthy, matching donor. This sample of donor bone marrow must be containing healthy stem cells introduced into the patient's bloodstream. If the transplant is successful, the stem cells