Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay

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Stem cells are a relatively new discovery in biology and biologists are still figuring out how they can be used to cure diseases and create new drugs. In 1981, scientists experimenting with mice found a way to derive embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells from a 5 day embryo (not yet in the uterus) that have the potential to divide and develop into any cell type. This led to the groundbreaking discovery in 1998 to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow them in a laboratory. In this research paper, we will go over the basic properties of stem cells in general, the importance of these discoveries and for what purposes they can be used. However, these new discoveries raise many ethical questions. Do we consider an embryo a “person”? With that question in mind, is it right to use stem cells (involves destroying potential human life) for research to help people with diabetes, heart conditions, or other various diseases? By the end of this paper, one will be able to form an opinion on this question, by weighing the importance of stem cell research to save human lives and the protection of the embryo and the “sanctity” of life. Deriving embryonic stem cells has opened a …show more content…

With this understanding, scientists could understand abnormal cell divisions which cause cancer. Learning more about the differentiation itself could allow scientists to control which type of cell the stem cell develops into.This could aid specific problems. Furthermore, learning about cell regeneration could open the door to help restore vision, hair loss, hearing, and missing teeth. Even though we are far from being able to find safe ways to restore these problems that come with aging, making sure that research on embryonic cells is not banned or considered immoral is