Explain How Colleges And Universities Should Prepare Students To Be Global Citizens

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Institutions committed to the purpose of making a good human
Colleges and universities should prepare students to be global citizens. This means there should be guiding principles to development inclusiveness, integrity, innovation and creativity among colleges students. During my tenure in higher education, I have seen administrations who have been fully engaged with developing students to become global citizens.
College students should not only see themselves as global citizens there should be a commitment by college administrators. College administrators set the tone for the institution and with the help of different campus partners, the vision and mission of the institution is developed. In the academia setting a “fully developed” human being is one who is informed on different domestic and international interest. Students should be able to express their complex views, their commitment to the common good of others, and the desire and growth to relate to others even with different point of views.
Education aboard experience college students are offer student’s the effective pathway to be developed as well. Students are able to learn about different culture differences that are associated with different nations and countries. By …show more content…

Historically colleges and universities have received state funding from the about of full-time students who were enrolled at the institution. However, different performance based funding models have change how college administrator will allocate funding on campus budgets. Access to higher education is important, but college administrators have to good servants on students’ money. By reconsidering the enrollment based funding state legislatures are now holding colleges more responsible for students’ success. Additionally, the performance based funding allow for institutional performance as a determinant of higher education