
Explain How Quantum Physics And Can It Relate To Consciousness

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How Does Quantum Physics Relate to Consciousness and Can it Help Explain How The Mind Works.
Consciousness is widely accepted as correlated to the behaviour of the material brain in some way. Physics being the science of energy and quantum theory being the most fundamental of the sort relating to matter it is almost natural to pose the question of “can quantum theory help us understand the concept that is Consciousness” ? How the mind and matter are related and seems to be a universal inquiry that could be approached from may directions with the sciences of philosophy, psychology, behavioral, and neuroscience seemingly dominating the conversation because they all share the purpose of determining how the mind works and how we perceive consciousness. …show more content…

The hippocampus is where memory is stored and it compares in coming sensory information with how it perceives it to be. Almost like a form of quality control. The mind on the other hand, is like the emotional epicenter. For example if you bite on a pencil ,or something of the sort, your brain will receive the same signals as if you were smiling because you you are using the same muscles. The mind is what allows us to identify our emotions. Using the previous example, when your brain receives signals that say you’re happy even if that could not be further from the truth, you don’t just automatically feel better. Also, even though the mind is a construct, the consciousness is within …show more content…

The Copenhagen interpretation( I use this first use this interpretation poses an interesting question) Is that if you don’t know the current state of an object it is in all possible states as long as you don’t check. This goes in to the principle of superposition The most used way of explaining this interpretation is let’s say in a lab there is a cat. The scientist place this cat in a lead box. At this point we know it is alive, we can see, and hear it. Now, let’s say we somehow throw a cyanide capsule in and close the lid. At this point is either dead or alive, but since we don’t check, the cat is both dead and alive. The cyanide capsule could how broke at the cat dead or the cat could still be sitting in the box,but we don’t know. Since we can’t possible check the “state” of consciousness , and it is in every possible state, what state is it actually

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