Explain How To Help Families Escape Poverty Around The World

1227 Words5 Pages

Eden Cooke
20 November 2017

How to help families escape poverty around the world? I chose to do my research paper on families in poverty around the world. After going through all the websites and looking at all the pictures of poor, little kids just sitting in the streets made me feel so lucky. I have a family and shelter over my head and they do not have anything. I did my research on poverty to find different ways we can help all the families living in poverty.
Poverty affects so many people. While we are sitting here eating a cheeseburger and fries, little kids are dying because they do not have anything to eat. They do not know how to read, write, or count because they do not have access to those things. They also deal with many diseases because they do not have any clean water to drink from. There are many different ways that can help them and take poverty down. The first problem is the lack of education people in poverty have. Kids in poverty can not go to school because they have to go to work so they can earn a couple of dollars to help their family. Education improves health, reduces malnutrition, and helps not to spread diseases. Not being able to get educated is so …show more content…

They also have little food because they do not have much land or good ground to grow crops on. Many people die each year from not having clean water. They said, “at least 2.6 billion people - 41% of the global population - do not have access to any sort of basic sanitation system”(Filling). Each day, thousands of lives are being taken by dehydration. Malnutrition is a major problem as well in families dealing with poverty. They have no muscles to protect their bones because they are not getting enough nutrients for their body. Kids are not getting enough fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to live much longer. Three million kids die each year from not getting enough food to