Explain The Basic Truths About The Bible Its Divisions Into Old And Now Test

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Study Guide for Final Exam 1. Basic truths about the bible: its divisions into Old and Now Test:an-mt. Whot (low; lho 'testament mean? Who was the old covenant between? Who was the tiew covenant between? 2. Literary forms in the bible: the different kinds of literature: allegory, history, pi opholic, poetry, wisdom literature, legal. 3. Creation: we read the two creation stories in Genesis. What is an allegory? What ;Are some of the truths underlying the first story of creation? What does it mean lo cro:110,1 in the image and likeness of God? What does it mean: "God said: "Let them t) light"? What are some of the basic truths underlying the 2nd creation story? Did womon come from the rib of man? What does this mean? What is marriage and how isrt …show more content…

W11:11 does the fruit symbolize? What did the first parents of the human race actually do? What are the consequences of Original Sin? 5. What are the 7 capital sins? Which are the most serious? What are some 01 Ow otispt of each one? What is sloth? What is pride? Envy? Lust? Etc. 6. What are the four kinds of love? How does eros differ from agape? What Odin'? What is storge? 7. What are the different types of prayer? How does intercession cider from ildototion.:' I it 8. Whet does water symbolize in the story of Noah? Who worn filo gonn of Nomi. I!; the fundamental message of the story of Noah? 9. The Story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. What were the terms of the covenant" What did k ‘,0d promise Abraham if he obeyed Him? Who was Ishmael? Who is Isaac.? What (tow; tho sacrifice of Isaac foreshadow? 10. Who was Joseph? What was his story? How does the story of Joseph illustrIlto wisdom of trusting in divine providence? That is, the wisdom of trusting that to us on a day to day basis is part of a larger plan that we often are unaware ot.' 11. The story of the Exodus. 12. The 10 Commandments. Why are the first three about God? What does it nItIln to worship false gods? What are some false gods?