
Explain The Disadvantages Of Inequality And Divisions In To Kill A Mockingbird

365 Words2 Pages
Clayton Prather
Mrs. Milano
H Element of literature
14 April 2

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Aristotle once said that “ The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” In the story “To Kill a Mockingbird” the Ewell family and Tom Robison are not treated the same as the rest of the families because they are at a disadvantage with their wealth or their skin color. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird '' inequality and the divisions within human society Are expressed through the characters' actions.

There are multiple disadvantages of inequality and divisions in human society in the way Tom Robinson was accused of a crime. When Tom Robinson is accused of a crime he is at a disadvantage because of his skin color. The
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