Explain The Essential Aspects Of A Self-Directed Intrinsically Motivated, Active Learner

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1. Describe the essential aspects of a self-directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner?

This type of learner has a self-driven interest in learning which is not directly the result of the desire to earn good grades, achieve a positive outcome, or avoid a negative one. An intrinsic learner has a curiosity about the subject matter, and takes ownership of their learning by creating goals and an action plan to facilitate achieving their educational goals. This type of student accepts responsibility for their learning progress and utilizes their resources (such as teachers and peer feedback) in order to reach their academic goals, ultimately knowing that their academic success is driven by own initiative, and by their ability to apply knowledge to their real lives. …show more content…

Identify two areas of personal strength and two areas of personal weakness in being a self-motivated and engaged student.

I can easily identify my two areas of strength to be: 1) Taking ownership through creating a plan, and 2) having the authentic desire to understand the subject matter at a deeper level. I am naturally very self-motivated, and I absolutely despise being disorganized, and rushing to finish something. Therefore, I am good at organizing myself, pacing my learning and making a plan.I also find that now that I’m an adult, I have a genuine interest in learning that I didn’t always have as a younger adult. This makes learning far more engaging and interesting.

For my weaknesses, I would say that they are: 1) Utilizing resources such as teachers and mentors, and 2) applying feedback from peer assessments and other forms of collaborative learning. While I am very organized, I am also much more comfortable learning individually than with the help of others or groups. As a result, I tend to reach out less even when I know it could be beneficial to my learning.

3. Plan at least 5 strategies for personal growth and explain how you will implement your

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