Explain The Importance Of Working In Health And Social Services

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If the service user is a referral from Social Services then we usually receive a detailed assessment of the individual’s needs from the assessment a Social Worker has carried out. However, I do not rely on this when carrying out my own assessments as it has proven in the past that Social Services’ information is not always up to date. NHS referrals come with very little information. We receive the initials of the patient, their address, NHS number, Broad care number, next of kin details and the package visit times. We never receive detailed information of their medical history and it is often uncomfortable having to ask for this information from the patient or their next of kin as they feel we should already have this on our records. Working in partnership …show more content…

We are often required to attend meetings with the Physiotherapist in the service user’s home so that the Physiotherapist can demonstrate exactly what is required of our support workers during their visits. Working together with other agencies or services is for the benefit of the service user. At my work we support a lady for one hour every morning to assist with her personal care. She also has another agency who visit three times a day to provide the rest of her support. We are required to liaise with this other agency on a regular basis to make them aware of any concerns that we may have. We would also inform them of any appointments she has that may affect their visits. To use one of these service users as another example, our support workers reported that the lady had deteriorated and it was becoming unsafe to support her. We then contacted her other care agency to inform them and we also reported to all other professionals involved in her care. This included the district nurses, her G.P., physiotherapist, and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). We arranged a full reassessment of her needs and reviewed her support