Explain The Main Idea Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is the better document because of the information and rules established changed the country forever. The Declaration told the ideas of freedom and rights, of which have not been prominent at the time. The British ruled over the US with a harsh rule. The people hated the fact that they were ruled across the ocean by a tyrant and wanted to change, and because of that the Declaration of Independence was created. The main idea of the Declaration of Independence was unalienable rights. The document states that some rights are not given to people they are born with them, these rights are called unalienable rights. In the document they do not state it directly they say “the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them”. The Declaration also created freedom of opinion. In the document it stated this “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind”. These are the most prominent ideas that the Declaration established within the American people because it showed that every single person should have rights. …show more content…

This shows that the American people thought that the British were abusing them and taking advantage of them. An excerpt showing this is “when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with anothe”. This quote shows that it's necessary for human beings to dissolve their government if it is out of control. This is a very big part of the Declaration because it shows the American people resolve to get away from