Explain The Origins And Key Figures Of The Zionist Movement

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Explain the origins and key figures of the Zionist movement and the rise of Palestinian nationalism. Why did Britain support the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

To understand the current political situation between Israel and Palestine, we must look at the origins of Zionism, Palestinian Nationalism, it?s leaders, and foreign influence within the land of Palestine. Facing Anti-Semitism in Europe, the Jewish population of Europe dreamed of returning to the land of Zion to establish an Israeli State. Their return began in the latter half of the 19th century and was driven by Zionistic ideology. The return of the Jewish People to their homeland, with support from Britain would create a situation of ?Colonialism? within lands that were occupied by a pre-existing Arab population in what is now modern day Israel. The Palestinian people united through Palestinian Nationalism (while attempting to resist Pan-Arab …show more content…

Some identified with Arab Nationalism, while some believed they were Syrian. No clear identity rose to prominence in the vacuum created by the fall of the Ottoman Empire. In the book, ?The Politics of Palestinian Nationalism? we find two periods of time where Palestinian Nationalism flourished. The first being the period between 1936 and 1939 where the Palestine Arab Nationalist Movement saw protest, and petition give way to direct Rebellion against what the indigenous population saw as Israel and British colonization. The second period of note begins where the 6 Day War ends. With the defeat of neighboring Arab nation?s standing armies, there was an ideological, and political shift in the direction of guerilla and non-traditional tactics against Israel, Arab, and Western interests in the region. These militant guerilla organizations would challenge the authority of Lebanon, provoke Jordan into a civil war, and bring world super-powers close to open warfare. (9 Page