In The Land Of Israel And The Yellow Wind By Amos Oz

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Israel and Palestine Conflict Essay - Based on Readings
Understanding the Israel-Palestinian conflict has been one of the most difficult things in the world. However, after reading the books, In the Land of Israel and The Yellow Wind by Amos Oz and David Grossman respectively, one starts to get some insights onto why the conflict began in the first place, and why it is not coming to an end any time soon.
Reading the interview carried by Mr. Oz with a man he refers to as Z, an idea of why the Israelis hate the Palestinians is evident. According to Z, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was a glorious thing which he defends by asserting that, that invasion brought to an end what people perceived as the Jewish morality. Z argues that, in addition to that, one other important and the great thing about the invasion of Lebanon by the Israeli is the hatred by other Arab nations and the world is not only towards Israel, but also towards all other nice Zhids, “…the sweetest thing about the Lebanon war is that, finally, even the nice Zhids are hated, not only Israel…” (Oz 89) The Zhids according to Z are those Jews in the Diaspora who considers themselves to be decent, clean, and …show more content…

If Z’s arguments and documentary can be taken to represent that of many other Jews, then it can clearly be seen why the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians cannot end any time soon. The comparison of this war by Z with the Americans civilization war when they chased out the Indians to take control seems to be a motivating factor. Z argues that, it is better to have a bad history and a respected and feared future a good, moral history with nothing to show for in terms of numbers and land. This, he blames on their forefathers for failing conquer the world through war (Oz

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