Explain The Three Stages Of Prenatal Development

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Valeria Oceguera Chapter 9 Extra credit The three stages of prenatal development is the germinal period, the embryonic period, and the fetal period. In the germinal period a zygote is formed, in the embryonic period the placenta develops, and in the fetal period the babies system develops. Cephalocaudal development is when development takes place from the outside in and proximodistal is when development takes place from the inside out Teratogens are bad substances that go into the womb and can hurt the baby and the placenta is the mechanism in place to help protect the baby. The three reflexes of newborns are the grasping reflex, the rooting reflex, the sucking reflex. The grasping reflex is when babies grab any object, the rooting reflex is when babies scream to get attention for something that they might need, and the sucking reflex is when babies put things in their mouths. Temperament is how an baby expresses their needs and emotions the three typical patterns seen in babies are hunger, sleeping and being happy. …show more content…

In the preoperational stage the child starts to understand and use words and pictures, in the concrete operational stage the child can think about objects and in the formal operational stage the young teenage/adult can understand and think. The test that was used to study attachment involved a monkey and two fake wired monkeys, one fake monkey was covered with a soft fabric and the other was not. When the monkey did not receive milk from the soft fabric monkey, the monkey decided to go to the wired monkey to get his milk, however the monkey did not stay with him long and after receiving the milk he went back to the soft fabric monkey. The four types of insecure attachments are secure, avoidant, resistant and disorganized